Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Playing catch up

My little monster made Valentine monsters for school cute!

And also the Valentine Postcards I sent out a few days ago for a flickr swap. I had so much fun making them! I love the cardboard and cheese cloth combo. I got the idea from a Katie Kendrick article. She made a book using recycled cardboard and cheesecloth. I love cardboard...hhmmm cheescloth too. Great idea!
I sent these out just before the deadline. I put each postcard in a clear envelope and took them to the Post Office counter. I was happily surprised to find out I could mail them for 41cents each. Well the next day there was a note in my mail box from the Postmaster. She was wrong I needed to add extra postage. Hopefully they weren't delayed too long.

Soon I'll post photos of the cute postcards I've received so far!

Handmaidens MPLS

I forgot...yes I went to Minn last weekend. I had fun and met some very nice people. Sarah and Angela at "i like you" were great! So even though it was very (and I mean Very) cold last Sunday, we had a good turn out. The VFW had a bar that made great bloody marys and many shoppers (and artist/crafters) were seen enjoy a drink or two.

I know these are bad photos...I was too busy to worry about a great pic!

Thing A Day

I'm horrible at keeping up with Thing-a-day. I work on stuff...always!
But photographing documenting way!

I've made a few wrist warmers in the attempt at writing my own pattern for the "perfect" pair

This is a fairly large shell button I made into a pendant...I'm keeping this for me!

Below are assorted sari silk bracelets

Friday, February 08, 2008

Minneapolis, Mn

I'll be in Minneapolis this weekend for a sale on Sunday at the James Ballantine VFW post. Sounds like fun! Stop by if you're in the area. I know it will be ccccccooooold but you can always warm up with handmade goodies!

Ok I know I am horrible at posting. I want to, I find myself writing blog posts in my head. Actually sittting down and doing it is another story. I signed up for the Thing-a-day challenge. so far I've made more than one thing each day. Again, the problem is photography and posting. Hopefully I can get my butt in gear and play catch-up.