Thursday, April 30, 2009

See Me At Craftstravaganza!

4th Annual St. Paul Craftstravaganza

Saturday, May 2 2009, 9am to 5pm
Minnesota State Fairgrounds, Fine Arts Building
Free parking and admission!

Swag bags given away to the first 100 shoppers

New Goodies!

Photos from last was cold so everyone is bundled up!
1. DSC_0174, 2. DSC_0161, 3. Craftstravaganza 08, St. PAul, MN, 4. Craftstravaganza yarn, 5. DSC_0050, 6. DSC_0130, 7. DSC_0102, 8. T-shirts by With Remote, 9. DSC_0224, 10. DSC_0079, 11. DSC_0014, 12. DSC_0049, 13. DSC_0053, 14. DSC_0157, 15. DSC_0203, 16. DSC_0010, 17. Craftstravaganza 08, St. PAul, MN, 18. IMG_5823, 19. Craftstravaganza 08, St. PAul, MN, 20. DSC_0133, 21. It was cold!, 22. craftstravaganza craft fair, 23. Craftstravaganza, 24. DSC_0098, 25. DSC_0171

Friday, April 24, 2009

My collage "Little Tweet is one of the fun items featured on Diamonds in the Rough blog today. Stop by and look around!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pay It Forward

I made this last Thursday, but didn't post it because the photo isn't very good.
I just remember that is says "forward" Perfect!

I saw this on Dabbled, but was too late to get on her list. I popped into another blog to join. Yeah!
So here are the details borrowed from Phantom Moon blog (isn't that a great name!)

The first five (5) people to respond to this post will get something made by me.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. Whatcha get is whatcha get.
2. What I create will be just for you, with love.
3. It’ll be done this year (2009).
4. I will not give you any clue what it’s going to be. It will be something made in the real world and not something cyber. It may be weird or beautiful. Or it may be monstrous and annoying. Heck, I might bake something for you and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that’s for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something strange.
6. In return, all you need to do is post this text on your blog and make 5 things for the first 5 to respond to your blog post.
7. Send your mailing address - after I contact you. (Be sure to leave a working email!)

IMPORTANT: The fun part of this is keeping the it going, so don't forget to post this text on your blog if you want to play. This text was used from


Sound like fun? Leave me a comment and click "Email Me" on the side and
send me your address.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Duckies at my window

My loyal minions!

Little bit of work

Last Thursday I had workman pounding on the way on the roof. Old roof roof on! All the while I was working away. Just a bit of what I was working on. I finished 5 collages that day.

6x6 inch collage on game board

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Duckies are Growing!

This is Polky.

Some of my minions are getting their "real" feathers!

I have NO idea what the poofs are on some of their heads. Very fuzzy though *grins*

This is Seven...what a cutie!

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Roberta of Quilted Cavalier gave me Kreativ Blogger award. So sweet of her and I'm such a bad blogger!

Seven things about me:
1. I'm nervous about tornadoes. I have two weather radios and emergency supplies in the basement.
2. I love love love pepperjack cheese
3. I'm a couch potato. I like to have the TV on, but I can't just sit and watch. I'm always working on something else at the same time.
4. I will reread the same favorite books over and over again. Some I've read 10 + times
5. I can walk and read at the same time. Not sure how helpful of a talent it is.
6. I have bad wrists. They cause me a fair amount of pain and limit what I can do sometimes.
7. I've written a few childrens books, but have never tried to publish any of them.

I have so many blogs on my blog reader...all are inspiring. Here are a few.
1. Joyce Stahl
2. Wishes and Heros
3. Ruth Rae
4. Jane DesRosier
5. Creature Comforts
6. Roadside projects
7. A Fanciful Twist


Last Friday we adopted 8 ducklings. They were approx. 2 weeks old then.
For now (until they are bigger) they are living in our kitchen. Lucky adopted them also. He sleeps next to them and tries to keep the duckies in line.

Some outdoor play time in the sun

"We're much bigger now...let us out!"

from left to right they are: Yoda, Polky, Shadow, Dot, Harold, Fern,
and you can just see a bit of Seven. Not shown is Rook, a medium sized black one.

Isn't Lucky a great lifeguard?

I don't know why I get myself into these things? Not like I have too much time on my hands or anything.
I've wanted ducks for a couple of years and I decided to go for it. So now we have 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 1 parakeet, and 8 ducks. It is never boring in the Walker house! *grins*
I just feel lucky that my Hubby puts up with it all!!!!


Finally finally ...I got some work done! I haven't finished anything in weeks. I've organized, moved things around, played a bit, but nothing completed. Until this morning.

I had the worst headache the last two days. I was miserable, but this morning I woke up feeling good. I decided to try again. I wanted to try Michelle Ward's Street Team Challenges #27 and #29. Not that you can tell, I over painted the backgrounds quite a bit. I had so much fun and it felt great to create again!
Both of these are 8x 10 inch on cardboard

I painted the background on this book cover, but I haven't finished the collage yet.