I'm all packed and ready to go! I love this art fair, but it can get a bit windy being right on the water! If you are anywhere near Sturgeon Bay stop by and say "hi" Have a great weekend everyone!
Just look at these very cool boxes of goodies I found at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point surplus sale! The sales are held on Friday afternoons about twice a month. Parking can be tough unless you get there early. The staff are very nice and helpful. I rarely leave empty handed. Usually I find cool, fun, and cheap stuff.
In the past I have found; large wall maps, wooden tripod base for surveying equipment, desk chairs, bookshelves, storage boxes, a rolling metal typing stand, old lab equipment, many many books, boxes of sheet music, and reels of old educational films. All very reasonably priced (OK super cheap!)
I got a big bag of green army men for Ethan...who knows where they are now! He goes through so many of them...they are everywhere! Also there were two sets of dinosaur counters made for classroom use. They were in perfect condition so I gave them to the kids school.
******* Now the big question, what to do with'em all!
The kids made me cards at school...guided projects that are cute, but...
I like the things they make for me on their own at home! Emma made me a cute bunch of crepe paper flowers and breakfast. She made biscuits and gravy, YUMMY!
Ethan made an elaborate card with a pop out parts. The back had a large heart filled with red paper hearts and a flower bookmark.
The Fine Arts Building is such a nice venue! And look at all the shoppers!!! Thank-you to everyone who came out to support handmade!!!
I finally had a chance to post about last weekend. St Paul Craftstravaganza was so much fun...again. Weather was nice, though the building stayed a bit chilly. Sales better than last year...I made my goal plus. Oh and I did buy a bunch of stuff!
From Nora at Bodylish I had to buy this soap! It smells like cinnamon redhots. Yummy! I got a super cute bib from Lisa at Sheppard Girls. No, I'm not having a baby, but my Brother's wife is :-) YAY! For the baby, I also got a cute stuffed rattle and monster doll from All My Own. Emma picked out 2 Fuzzbutts (cute name huh!) from Christina Ward. They look like mutant guinea pigs! And she got armwarmers from i like you.