I really hate February! Usually by this time of the winter, I start to go a bit "stir-crazy". Sunny days are ok, I play cat. I sit in the sun whenever possible. Dreary days are the worst.
I haven't gotten too much made in the last 2 weeks. I have a stack of designs and sketches. I just haven't gotten in the basement to my dungeon studio. Soon.
So far I had made these charms for a swap and to sell. They are made from small images from Artchix, bits of paper, and an old yardstick. Fun Huh!
I bought a new, well different vehicle today. I am now a mini van owner. I like the van, but I already miss my old car. It was a Nissan Altima. Good family car. We just needed room to carry more passengers and I needed more room, for art fairs.
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