Artapalooza pt 2
Hello, I'm a bit late posting this. I put off planning my son's birthday party for weeks. So now I'm in a rush to get everything done for Saturday. So far so good.
Well last Saturday was a beautiful day! Perfect weather to be outside. I saw some people who purchased from me last year, and I met some new people. Again, I had a good experience there. Better turn out than last year, but a different crowd. I see a lot of potential for ARTapalooza. The only problem I saw was the date. Last year the fair was a week earlier. This year unfortunately, it was the same day as the Iowa/ Iowa State Game. Hawkeyes lost, sorry Iowa fans :-( ~~~~~ Congrats ISU :-D
I'm not a football fan. I know, I know, not the thing to admit when living in Wisconsin. If a WI team is planning, I want them to win. Loyalty to my home state always! Like Saturday when the Badgers play the Hawkeyes.
Bucky Badger rules!!!
My Dad was a huge Badger fan and we had to have every game on. Even if he dozed off, forget about turning the TV channel. He'd wake up immediately. "Hey, I was watching that!"
funny the things I remember about my Dad.....
1 comment:
I'm not a football fan either. I just nod my head and pretend I know what everyone else is talking about.
I like seeing the pictures of your display. Is that all tabletop display or do you have some other freestanding panels? I need to develop my display.
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