Very cool!
"In Motion"

We created a small 6x8 inch shadow box assemblage and kept a journal during the process. We sketched ideas, worked out problems and tried new techniques that are in the journal, but may not have ended up in the assemblage.

Think of it as a design file. With clippings and paint swatches, a peek into the process. A great reference for further exploration of an idea or a technique....and fun too. My assemblage is not complete yet. I need to dig out the right sized gear to put under the left foot for balance. My journal doesn't have much writing. Mostly experiments with paint techniques and finishes. I liked the whole process and I will continue to use her suggestions. I forgot my camera, but hopefully Michelle will post some of the pics she took on her blog.
Thank you for the peek inside your journal!
xanthe - awww, you make me blush. thanks for your kind words. what great photos of your piece and your journal! it makes me so happy that you will continue using a journal as part of your process. *high five*
Your journal and assemblage are COOL! Thanks for sharing! Andrew
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