Friday, November 16, 2007


My chest aches....Early this morning a local boy died in a house fire. Gage was 7 yrs old. We aren't close to the family, I've only talked to his mother a few times (on the sidelines or on the bus during a field trip). Emma is friends with one of Gage's older brothers and my son loved wrestling around with Gage during soccer practices. We weren't close but nevertheless... I hurt. Gage was a nice boy, I liked him. And now he's gone.

His parents and the 4th grade twins got out of the house safely. I can't begin to imagine how Gage's family feels. I just gave my kids extra hugs and've got to appreciate those you love every minute you have them.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

That is tragic and makes my own heart ache.