I was working on this post here and there this evening only to find out
some how I published a very rough draft. Ugh! Embarrassing I hope no one saw it!
This is my real post *grins, with a red face*
some how I published a very rough draft. Ugh! Embarrassing I hope no one saw it!
This is my real post *grins, with a red face*

Where in the world am I?
My small portion of the world is central Wisconsin USA and I love it!
I was born in Madison, the state capital.
My family moved away when I was in high school.
I have lived in a few other places (Iowa, Illinois, Maryland and Virginia).
But I was so happy to return to Wisconsin, settle down and start a family. Wisconsin is very agricultural, so most of the state is covered with farms,
and woods, but we have a bit of everything. You name it...Wisconsin has it.
At the bottom, I included links to a bunch
of interesting things about Wisconsin.
While growing up, the tourism motto was "Escape to Wisconsin", I thought it described the area perfect. I don't think there is anyplace else I'd rather live. Of course I want to travel, but with the knowledge that I can always come home to Wisconsin. Sappy huh!
My small portion of the world is central Wisconsin USA and I love it!
I was born in Madison, the state capital.
My family moved away when I was in high school.
I have lived in a few other places (Iowa, Illinois, Maryland and Virginia).
But I was so happy to return to Wisconsin, settle down and start a family. Wisconsin is very agricultural, so most of the state is covered with farms,
and woods, but we have a bit of everything. You name it...Wisconsin has it.
At the bottom, I included links to a bunch
of interesting things about Wisconsin.
While growing up, the tourism motto was "Escape to Wisconsin", I thought it described the area perfect. I don't think there is anyplace else I'd rather live. Of course I want to travel, but with the knowledge that I can always come home to Wisconsin. Sappy huh!

Some of my family's favorite places or things to do....
Madison-all around great town for everything! We love walking around in our state capital building, Henry Vilas Zoo, Thrift stores (Goodwill on the east side and St Vinnies on Williamson) and the Learning Shop toy store on the west side. And art fairs!
The geology of Wisconsin is beautiful. As a child I was fascinated on how our state was scoured by the last series of ice age glaciers.
The Milwaukee Public Museum- The kids especially liked the butterfly pavilion and the old world area.
Jurrustic Park in Marshfield
Wisconsin Cheese! I recommend the cheese Factory in Rudolph
Spreckers brand pop----(I never call it soda!) I recommend Rav'n Red or Ginger Ale
Rocky Rococo's Sausage and Mushroom Pizza
Funset Boulevard in Appleton---Games, movies, pizza, laser tag, carousel, tons of fun kids stuff
Fishing on the Wisconsin River
Deer Park in the Dells
Wisconsin Dells Jet Boat Ride--total blast!!!!
Madison-all around great town for everything! We love walking around in our state capital building, Henry Vilas Zoo, Thrift stores (Goodwill on the east side and St Vinnies on Williamson) and the Learning Shop toy store on the west side. And art fairs!
The geology of Wisconsin is beautiful. As a child I was fascinated on how our state was scoured by the last series of ice age glaciers.
The Milwaukee Public Museum- The kids especially liked the butterfly pavilion and the old world area.
Jurrustic Park in Marshfield
Wisconsin Cheese! I recommend the cheese Factory in Rudolph
Spreckers brand pop----(I never call it soda!) I recommend Rav'n Red or Ginger Ale
Rocky Rococo's Sausage and Mushroom Pizza
Funset Boulevard in Appleton---Games, movies, pizza, laser tag, carousel, tons of fun kids stuff
Fishing on the Wisconsin River
Deer Park in the Dells
Wisconsin Dells Jet Boat Ride--total blast!!!!

and beautiful vistas.
I'm excited as my kids when we get our first snowfall!
Whatever the season...On Wisconsin!!!!!
History Of Wisconsin
State Symbols
Historical Society
Native American Indian Tribes of WI
Misc Fun Stuff
Milwaukee Public Museum
Experimental Aircraft Assoc. AirVenture
International Crane Foundation
Jet Boat Rides
Cave of the Mounds
Valley Ridge Art Studio
A bit of Kitschy Fun
Jurustic Park
F.A.S.T. (a fiberglass statue company...has a "graveyard" )
House on the Rock
Sputnikfest 2008 will be the first of hopefully many!
Freshwater Fishing Museum (climb inside a giant Muskee!)
Dickeyville Grotto
Mt Horeb Mustard Museum
Xanthe - glad to have you share your place in the world - wonderful Wisconsin! I've been there many many times (including just this summer where we met!) Growing up in MN you tend to go to WI often not only for a fun summer vacation at the Dells or other small resort, but for skiing! We had a cabin in Hurley and would ski and snowmobile all the resorts up in that area from the time I was 4 years old. Weren't we lucky to live where we could enjoy 4 seasons?
Happy New Year girl!
Xanthe - Wisconsin looks like a beautiful part of the world to live.
Ohhhhh Wisconsin looks way chilly; but beautiful. I don't know if I could weather the winters.
When you say WIS-CON-SIN, you've said it all! Hello from another Badger who lives in Milwaukee.
Nice piece about our state.
I recognized the capitol right away. I love Madison, but have never lived there.
Happy New Year from 70 miles east!
Not a bit sappy; I loved your post and the photos. We try to get to Wisconsin any chance we can when travelling to Chicago. It is beautiful! Ohhhhh and the cheese, yum! jodi barone
You sound like you love where you live. I really like that. So many people downplay their positive emotions, and I think that makes the world a sadder place. Bless you for your honest enthusiasm. I hope it is catching :-)
Enjoyed your post very much. I have a friend that lives in Madison and have been fortunate enough to have visited a few times. I really enjoyed the capitol building. I remember laying on the floor in the middle of the building (with people all around) with my friend so we could take pictures of the ceiling.
Oh and the cheese... how I love the cheese, (curds are a favorite!) there is nothing like Wisconsin cheese - I don't care what the cows say!
Holy smokes! These are GREAT pictures, made me even feel the chill from that fabulous snowfall pic. You made me laugh out loud by asking the tea question onmy blog... I'm right WITH YOU there! When moving here I learned quickly to ask for unsweet tea at food establishments...and even then you will sometimes get sugar put in Ur drink!!!! I'm "from" the southwest where I guess we are already sweet enuff. lol
Grrrl, your art popped right out of the screen for me. Those collage pieces are AWSUM! Hmm... think you might be up to a swap of art in 2008???? xo, Monica
p.s. I'm linking you, that ok? I'm def. coming back here!!!
Howdy neighbor! I spent a lot of my childhood in Wisconsin, as it is I am only 30 minutes from the border. My Mom grew up in Stevens Point, and I have family in Wauwatosa. WI does have everything! I love the cheese, the parks, and the laid back attitude...it is what I grew up with.
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