Another year and another Craftstravaganza. Whew I am tired! I had a lot of fun, but boy the weather did not cooperate. The gals at "i like you" were nice enough to let me stay in the studio above the shop. Comfy enough couch, but I am not used to city life anymore. I had such a hard time sleeping, I tossed all night. Too many lights outside, buses and cars running all night. I woke waaay too early. So my day started with me scraping ice and snow off my windshield. I was freezing since I was too dumb to bring a warm coat, all I had was a rain jacket. With a quick breakfast of cold leftover pizza (from Goloony's), I headed over to the MN State Fair grounds. I will soon regret that cold breakfast.
I think the Fine Arts building is a great venue, but it has no heat. All day we, shoppers and vendors alike, froze. It developed a type of comaraderie, we were all in the same boat. We were all freak'n cold! *grins* I'm afraid the poor weather kept quite a few shoppers away. Still I'm glad I went.
I met so many nice and interesting people, like my booth neighbor "Hi Lisa!" *waving* And also people who have purchased from me online. Nice to put a face to a name. By the time 6pm came around though I was more that ready to leave. I packed and loaded the van in record time and cranked up the heat. I was so chilled to the bone, I couldn't stop shivering for almost two hours. I got a warm bite to eat and started the four and a half hour drive home. I woke up this morning so sore.
Amazing the difference a day makes. I felt tons better by this afternoon and spent a nice warm sunny Sunday weeding the garden, doing a bit of painting, and riding the go-cart! Now it is bedtime and I'm enjoying the quiet. Outside it is dark, really dark and I know I can sleep.
For a full vendor list:
1 comment:
We had snow & ice a couple of days ago(?- I think!). I couldn't believe my eyes! (So I took pictures, LOL).
Hope you got lots of sales to counter the cold!
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