I'm not even done with South Dakota posts, but I wanted to mention the flea market I set up at the other weekend. I live in the boondocks, so having a garage sale is a waste of time. I instead paid a couple of bucks and set up a local flea market for the weekend. The weather was nice, we got rid of some extra stuff and ate great homemade pie, YUM!
The kids made more money than I did! I realized I didn't have too much of mine for sale. I have a hard time getting rid of anything.

I had to wear the apron after I realized how nice it looked with my Wall Drug t-shirt!
I did buy a few things though.....What am I going to do with these? A coffee can and a bucket full of old shut off knobs. No Idea, but they are VERY cool!
OMG! I so would have bought those, without any idea what I was going to do with them--they are screaming "I am cool, I am cool" LOL.
They looks awesome all laid out like that....hmm, possibilities!
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