I made this ring using an old key. I have tons of keys, some very old and some not so old. Either way I keep collecting them. My background is metalworking, so I thought "no big deal" I'll hammer it around, add a found object bezel, then done! Whoa was it tough! I injured my wrists and while back and that is why I stopped working in metal. Even with frequent anealling this was so hard to form! My hands, wrists, and arms were sore for days! Ouch.

I also realized how dull my metal skills have become. What sloppy soldering ugh! I am so out of practice. Well I forged ahead and finished the ring anyway.
I wanted to keep it simple so I just added painted paper with the word "LOVE" That is the key to life isn't it...love. Yes it is sappy, I know.
I am happy with how it turned out in the end. After all, it is all part of the learning experience.
I love that piece. Keys are a very tough alloy, designed for hardness, keeping its shape. no wonder it was so hard for you to re-shape it.
Xanthe, You never stop!!! This ring is very unique! You give such a boost of inspiration to us all!
GASP, this is fantastic!! this has etsy all over it!
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