This grey blob I circles is a tablecloth from an artists booth that flew into the tree the day before!
And below it are empty spaces where booths used to be. Look how high up it is!!!
I survived the weekend!!!
Too much adventure and drama for me though! The damage to the other artists booths became even more apparent on day two. The parking lot I was set up in was dotted with empty spaces and a few artists set up with no tents. It rained on and off all day, so the tentless artists spent the day covering and uncovering their artwork. It was quite sad.

I made this collage for Julie
I enjoyed spending the weekend with dear Julie and meeting her nice family was great. Despite scary weather and poor sales, I had fun. I met a lot of very nice people. Meeting people is one of the reason's I wanted to sell at art fairs and not just online. One of my collages is going to be in a newlyweds first home. My artwork is now part of their life together. I love that!

This now belongs to lovely Emily and her new husband :-)
Julie just emailed this link to me about an art fair in Illinois