Yesterday I taught a mini class at the local library to make the above ornaments/ necklaces. Everyone had the option to use family photos or vintage images to make their project.
Some made necklaces, some ornaments, or a little of each.
I had a lot of fun and I think everyone else did too! Of course I forgot to snap any photos!
I've been working so hard to get new artwork made that after the class, I ate lunch and fell asleep. I have nice kids that they let me sleep :-D
After a nice doze I went right back to work!Next weekend my artwork will be at Lapaceks Orchard for their Handcrafted Hoedown for the Holidays. Visit their website for directions! They are only 30 minutes north of Madison. Eventually I may actually get things listed on Etsy. Ya know I need a longer day or loose the need for sleep!These are the new birds I've been working on. Each is a lightweight bird shape wrapped with fibers. Each is on a base of recycled and found objects. I can't wait to make more because they are sooo fun to create!